First reason So affordable! I got pregnant with my 2nd child when my 1st child was only 7 m old. Not only did we have medical bills piling up, but i was forced to become a stay at home mom to keep my first born healthy. So money was tight and I still dont know how we get/got through, but the thought of diapering another added more dollar signs and cost to our already tight budget. I had already been trying to save money by making my sons baby food. When I had posted my savings about making my own baby food and how excited I was my friend and old co worker mentioned cloth diapering. I was able to get One cloth diaper for $5 that was including the inserts or absorption you put in them. I would only need to get enough diapers for about 2 days. For two kids in diapers I estimated about 10 diapers a day so 20 diapers for 2 days and with 2 in diapers I would need about 40 diapers. Thats only around $200 dollars! That would easily be spent in one month of having two in diapers with disposables. I paid around $300 total because I got extra inserts and a wet bag and extra diapers for washing just in case. Once I had these diapers that is $200 dollars or more every month of savings not spending it on disposables! Then I would have these diapers for my other kids too and save.Thast 2,400 a year I'm saving until they are potty trained!
Second Reason Saving the environment. Over 20 billion disposable diapers are dumped into landfills each year at more than 3.5 million tons of waste. They take 500 years to decompose and not to mention the cutting down of trees. I also get irritated with electronic waste and things too but that a whole different conversation. Its ridiculous and i as a consumer of disposable diapers was kind of blinded to that. Feel free to read more about it here...
Third reason I'm a stay at home mom. I have the convenience and ease of doing this without added worry although I know several working moms who cloth diaper and their day care providers allow it and I dont see why they shouldn't allow it. This difference is you take it off and throw in trash or take it off and throw in bin to wash later.
Fourth Reason So stinking cute!!! There are all kinds of cute prints and designs the boundaries are endless. Most of the summer I just let my boys run around in their diapers because who wants to cover them up?
Fifth Reason They are so versatile.... you can get one size diaper that can last on a child from 7-40lbs. All you have to do is adjust snaps. You can get velcro, you can get snaps different insert materials. You can get pocket diapers, just covers and inserts, ALL in ones, All in ones 2,its seriously endless!
Is cloth diapering a little more work than disposables? The answer is yes, when they poop you got to dump it in the toilet or wipe it off with poop spoon or sprayer before you wash (except breast fed babies since its water soluble) you have an extra load of diaper wash to your laundry week every 2 -3 days. Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY! I'll also admit when i go places for really long periods of time outside of my house, I'll bring disposables so I wont have to carry a poopy diaper in my bag or whatever, but that's just a personal choice of mine. I still go most places with them wearing cloth. Having 2 under 2 at one point in time though when going places wasn't an option with out help it has been so nice. I love looking for ways to save money and this is what has helped us save!!!! Contact me if you want to cloth diaper your child because It always helps to have someone know the ins and outs so you don't get overwhelmed!
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