I have to vent today about things that have been irritating me lately. I'm a stay at home mom so when my kids are sleeping or playing well together. I think like most people,I scroll through my newsfeed on Facebook and see what my friends are up too. I think as mothers it's great that we share opinions and ideas with others if they are asked. Especially when it relates to sharing play tips or food ideas and how to be patient or discipline techniques. For awhile now I will see blogs or articles from just woman like me writing a blog on why co sleeping is best or non co sleeping , or why vaccine or non vaccine is best, and why cry it out is bad? These topics as most moms know are very "controversial" and are very hard to discuss civily without argument. Parents can do their own research and figure out what works for them.
We as woman in motherhood have a difficult time already dealing with all other issues we have to deal with. We need to stick together! We don't need to see all the" right or wrong" ways to do things on our facebook. Whether it's co sleeping or crying it out. That's a parents decision and it really comes down to what works with you. I respect everyone's right to choose whether co sleeping or cry it out works for you. I dislike when people are purposely posting these articles with no educational backgrounds at all and splashing them every where saying nope only this is the "right"way to do it. Bottom line is I understand you are posting your opinion, but why make others feel like they are horrible mothers if that's not "the way" they do it?We as mothers have already a hard time , balancing housework, work, spending time with significant others, our kids and accomplishing everything there is to accomplish.so why post these articles to cause debates or purposely make others feel bad as a parent. We all have our own ways of raising kids and guess what,? I may not be doing your way but my kids are happy, loved, fed and thriving! I loved this recent similac commercial that was going around on Facebook about all the formula fed moms , working moms ,stay at home moms, dads, breastfeeding moms "fighting at the park," but when a baby heads down a hill in a stroller they all go after the baby to help them. Why? Because our goal in the end is the same! To protect, love and take care of our children. Here is link definitely worth a watch. http://m.similac.com/sisterhood-of-motherhood%23video. My whole point in writing this today is think before you post!Is this article you post really worth the fight or argument or making others feel bad ,all because they quote or quote aren't doing things the "right" way? Some would probably say in response who cares? It's my Facebook I can post what I want if you don't like it then unfriend me. Yes this is true you can post what you want, but I guess I try to be respectful of my friends and dumb to lose a friend over whether we co sleep or don't at night. You know? Let's try to build each other as mothers up! We are in the same hard road trying to raise the future people of tomorrow.
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