Friday, January 23, 2015

Confessions of a SuperMom

Some days I seriously feel like I am failing.

Some days I can't seem to shake off the exhaustion, and we spend the whole day coloring or watching movies. 

Some days I go to the dollar store, just to have somewhere to go. Some days we spend the whole morning outside, running around until we have cherry red noses. 

Some days I set up the teepee and we play in it all day long. Some days I miss Tyler so much that I cry. 

Some days friends, strangers, and even family unknowingly hurt my feelings, and I have to hold it in until I get two seconds to lock myself in the bathroom and cry. Some days I'm a little sensitive. Some days I don't let comments phase me. 

Some days I get lonely. Motherhood can be lonely. And yet some days I just want to hide in my house and never come out. 

But I know what it is like to miss every single one of these moments. I know what it is like to miss finding that first tooth and seeing his first steps and hearing that first word. I would rather have these days with my boys. Even when they are exhausting and lonely.  Being a working mom was hard. Being a Stay at home mom is hard in its own way. But I love it. And that is why I try so hard to keep my social media feed positive. It helps remind me of what I have and how blessed I am. I'm not trying to claim to be perfect at all of this. I'm not trying to rub anything in anyone's face, and I'm sorry I made people feel that way. I'm just a normal mom who just wants to fit in. I just like to share the good moments and highlights of my day. Because sometimes those bright moments are all that keeps me going. 

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