Sunday, October 19, 2014

A moment of determination

Meet my elleigh, she is the cutest most determend little thing you will ever meet. She came into this world determend to show everyone she is in charge.
    At 30 weeks my OB discovered I had had been in labor off and on for a while. What I thought were just brackston hicks contractions were really more. At 30 weeks I had no cervix left. 
    I was given a weekend holiday at McKay to insure I was not in active labor and to get bet me and my baby ready for the worst. I was sent home to relax and worry for as long as I could. We made it to 33 weeks and 4 days, then elleigh had had enough. 
    Elleigh was ready to come, my frequent visits to the doctor  told us hings we're holding steady, my cevix even was visable on the ultra sound two days prior to elleighs appearance. My water broke and a few short hours elleigh was here.
( my nicu experience is special and one day I'll take a moment and share more)
As elleigh began her little life she had two personalities, happy  and mad with no In between or warnings of uneasiness. I had a nurse tell me one day how she knew my daughter was going to give us a run for our money. She said in her many years of working with babies she hadn't seen a baby be so mad about being hungrey so fast, she gave no cues that she was hungry, no fussing no rooting, just a plain up demand to be fed. As a Nicu baby that was wonderful, she was home within a few weeks. 
   Now two, she is still has those two personalities, When she is happy she is to the moon happy. Her happiness can melt away my stress. Her grouchiness can make you so frustrated that you need a nap when she does. As she has grown, her favorite saying is "NO! I do it!!!"  If you  don't let her do it you wish you had by the glass breaking scream she throws At you. As her mother I sometimes wonder how I still have my hearing.
    Her determination has gotte  her into a few pickles
But it has also helped her on her way. We have needed no early intervention due to being premature.  She is loved by everyone she meets. 
    Today at church a sunbeam teacher told me how cute she thought my elleigh was and how she hoped she was still teaching when it was her turn to join the class. Jokingly I told her she might change her mind once she's there, that she is super cute but very determined. The teachers response froze me in my tracks. She said that was probably why she was saved for this time on earth. To withstand what will come at her in the future. 
   I pray thAt this woman is right, that I can teach my daughter what is right, and she In turn will be determined  to do good. I want her to always be strong enough to say "no, I do it!" To all things virtuous, and lovely.

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