Saturday, November 8, 2014


   I'm stealing this topic and tools from a recent women s activity for my church. I loved what was said and think the importance of it is high. The upcoming Holiday's can get overwhelming and I hope these tips I stole will help you either this year or next. I know I'm going to try to do what I can also this year. Just remember this is about simplifying so don't feel like you need to do these all at once. These are Tools to use to build  the final project. 

 FIRST TOOL: SET ASIDE FUNDs ALL YEARSet a budget for Christmas and what you are going to spend. Then set aside money per paycheck or bonus all year for Christmas. Try to avoid going in to debt just to stress yourself out next year.

SECOND TOOL: BUY EARLY: Make a list of who you are buying for, for christmas and buy early. You can buy a little at a time so we are not all bumping each other in the store and stressed out about all the gifts you need to do at once. I like to try to have everything done by black friday.  January  usually has incredible deals because everyone is spending their Christmas money so why not try to buy for next Christmas in January?

THIRD TOOL: START EARLY: Try to deliver those neighbor gifts and friend gifts earlier in the month.Who wants another plate of treats two days before Christmas with all the rest of goodies on the table? There are so many cheap and way easy, fun, and creative neighbor/teacher/ friend gifts on P interest or the internet. We are so lucky to have the internet to get these ideas! 

FOURTH TOOL:  ELIMINATE / DE CLUTTER AND GET ORGANIZED:  Pick a room a week,month,day, weekend. However you want to do it and have a box to keep, sell, donate, recycle. The rule that if you haven't used it in a year than most likely you will not use it the next year. Hold a yard sale too and get some money for those unused items.  Get rid of clutter how overwhelmed and horrible we feel when clutter is filling up our lives.  We get more Christmas gifts and there is no where to put them. This will help with that. 

FIFTH TOOL: HAVE A DAILY CLEAN SCHEDULE:  Again there are plenty of ideas for this on P interest! This schedule can go along with your children's chore charts but it should have things you do daily, weekly, Monthly.  I can get overwhelmed as a young mom trying to keep everything clean but these schedules help minimize your to do list. The lists of  these that I have seen will probably take less than 20 mins a day. 

SIXTH TOOL: DELEGATE :  Delegate the cleaning, wrapping, shopping with others in your family so you are not doing it all on your own. Kids can even help too. We can't do this on our own. WE need help! 

SEVENTH TOOL:TRADITIONS/TIME MANAGEMENT:  Pick a few traditions and or parties you like to do with your family every year, and eliminate the rest. You will not be able to do every thing that you want. So pick the ones that are most important to you and let the others go. Dont overbook yourself with Parties. Sometimes people spread their selfs thin even deciding who your going where for Christmas. Choose what scenario is best for your family. Its ok to say NO!

FINAL TOOL: COMPARING KILLS:  You will see your friends and family doing this and that on facebook or emails. Or you go to a party and hope yours will be just as good. You can't compare what others are doing. Although its easier said than done. What works for your family works for you! Thats what make YOU wonderful and the world go around! Everyone is different and everyone has different traditions! Your party may not be like so and so party but its ok! Dont beat yourself up everyone is different and why add more stress to your holiday worrying about the petty things!

  I hope these tools wiill help Simplify your lives and pick which ones you want to do in your families! I have learned a lot from them and I hope you will too! I"m definitely going to use these this year and future years to come. Happy Holidays....:) 



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